HomeAllThe Impact of iOS Updates on iPhone’s Battery Life and Performance

The Impact of iOS Updates on iPhone’s Battery Life and Performance

IOS updates are meant to improve the functionality, security, and performance of your iPhone. However, some users may notice changes in their battery life and performance after installing a new iOS update. In this article, we will explore how iOS updates affect your iPhone’s battery life and performance, and what you can do to optimize them.

How iOS updates affect battery life

Battery life is the amount of time your iPhone can run before it needs to be recharged. It depends on various factors, such as your usage patterns, settings, apps, environmental conditions and battery health. iOS updates can also have an impact on battery life, both positively and negatively.

Some of the ways iOS updates can affect battery life are:

  • New features and enhancements: iOS updates often introduce new features and enhancements that can improve your iPhone’s functionality and user experience. For example, iOS 16 introduced Freeform app, Apple Music Sing, Advanced Data Protection for iCloud and more. However, some of these features may also consume more battery power, especially if they run in the background or require location services, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. To save battery life, you can turn off or limit the use of these features in Settings > Privacy > Location Services, Settings > Bluetooth and Settings > Wi-Fi.
  • Bug fixes and optimizations: iOS updates also fix bugs and optimize the performance of your iPhone. For example, iOS 16.2 fixed an issue that could cause excessive battery drain when using CarPlay. These fixes and optimizations can improve your battery life by reducing unnecessary power consumption and enhancing efficiency.
  • Recalibration of battery health reporting: iOS updates may also recalibrate the battery health reporting system on your iPhone. This system measures the maximum capacity and peak performance capability of your battery relative to when it was new. For example, iOS 14.5 recalibrated the battery health reporting system on iPhone 11 models to address inaccurate estimates of battery health. Recalibration can take a few weeks and may result in changes in your maximum capacity percentage and peak performance capability. Recalibration does not affect your actual battery health or lifespan, but it can help you get a more accurate picture of your battery’s condition.
  • Temporary effects: Sometimes, you may experience fast battery drain immediately after installing an iOS update. This is usually because iOS is doing things in the background like reindexing files, photos, apps and more. This process can take up to 48 hours and may consume more battery power than usual. However, this is normal and temporary, and your battery life should return to normal after the process is complete.

How iOS updates affect performance

Performance is the speed and responsiveness of your iPhone. It depends on various factors, such as your hardware specifications, software configuration, apps, storage space and battery health. iOS updates can also have an impact on performance, both positively and negatively.

Some of the ways iOS updates can affect performance are:

  • New features and enhancements: As mentioned above, iOS updates often introduce new features and enhancements that can improve your iPhone’s functionality and user experience. However, some of these features may also require more processing power or memory to run smoothly. For example, Apple Music Sing uses artificial intelligence to analyze your singing voice and provide feedback. This feature may not work well on older or lower-end devices that have limited resources. To improve performance, you can turn off or limit the use of these features in Settings > Music > Sing or Settings > General > Accessibility > Sing.
  • Bug fixes and optimizations: iOS updates also fix bugs and optimize the performance of your iPhone. For example, iOS 16.2 improved the stability of FaceTime calls. These fixes and optimizations can improve your performance by reducing crashes, glitches and lag.
  • Battery health management: iOS updates may also manage the performance of your iPhone based on your battery health. As batteries age, they lose their ability to provide peak power to the system that needs it. This can result in unexpected shutdowns or reduced performance. To prevent this, iOS may dynamically adjust the maximum performance of some system components, such as the CPU and GPU. This feature is called performance management and it is designed to extend the lifespan of your battery. You can check if performance management is enabled on your iPhone in Settings > Battery > Battery Health > Peak Performance Capability. You can also turn it off if you prefer to have full performance at all times.
  • Temporary effects: Sometimes, you may experience slow performance immediately after installing an iOS update. This is usually because iOS is doing things in the background like reindexing files, photos, apps and more. This process can take up to 48 hours and may affect your performance by using more resources than usual. However, this is normal and temporary, and your performance should return to normal after the process is complete.

How to optimize battery life and performance after an iOS update

If you notice changes in your battery life and performance after installing an iOS update, there are some steps you can take to optimize them. Here are some tips:

  • Update your apps: Make sure your apps are updated to the latest version that is compatible with the new iOS update. This can help you avoid compatibility issues, bugs and performance problems. You can update your apps in App Store > Updates or Settings > App Store > App Updates.
  • Restart your iPhone: Sometimes, a simple restart can help clear the cache, free up memory and fix minor issues. You can restart your iPhone by holding the power button and sliding to power off, then holding the power button again to turn it on.
  • Check your storage space: Having enough storage space on your iPhone can help it run faster and smoother. You can check your storage space in Settings > General > iPhone Storage. You can also free up space by deleting unwanted apps, photos, videos, messages and other files, or by using iCloud or other cloud services to store them online.
  • Adjust your settings: You can also adjust some settings to reduce battery consumption and improve performance. For example, you can:
    • Lower the brightness of your screen or enable auto-brightness in Settings > Display & Brightness.
    • Turn on low power mode or enable optimized battery charging in Settings > Battery.
    • Turn off background app refresh or limit it to certain apps in Settings > General > Background App Refresh.
    • Turn off push notifications or limit them to certain apps in Settings > Notifications.
    • Turn off location services or limit them to certain apps in Settings > Privacy > Location Services.
    • Turn off Bluetooth or Wi-Fi when not in use in Settings > Bluetooth and Settings > Wi-Fi.
  • Monitor your battery usage: You can also monitor your battery usage to see which apps are draining your battery the most. You can do this in Settings > Battery > Battery Usage. You can also see the battery usage of each app by tapping on the app name. You can then decide whether to use those apps less, close them when not in use, or uninstall them if they are not essential.
  • Replace your battery: If your battery health is significantly degraded, you may need to replace your battery to restore full performance and capacity. You can check your battery health in Settings > Battery > Battery Health. If you see a message that says “Your battery’s health is significantly degraded” or “Unable to recommend service”, you should contact an Apple Authorized Service Provider to replace your battery. Replacing your battery is not covered by warranty unless it fails due to a defect.


iOS updates can have both positive and negative effects on your iPhone’s battery life and performance. However, most of these effects are temporary or manageable, and you can optimize them by following some simple tips. By keeping your iPhone updated, you can enjoy the benefits of new features, bug fixes, and optimizations, while minimizing the drawbacks of battery drain and slow performance.




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